User Guide
3 Click the arrow beside the event and select a new event from the pop-up menu:
onMouseOver triggers the behavior when the pointer rolls over the trigger area.
onMouseOut triggers the behavior when the pointer leaves the trigger area.
onClick triggers the behavior when the trigger object is clicked.
onLoad triggers the behavior when the web page is loaded.
Using external image files for swap image
You can use an image outside the current Fireworks document as the source for a swap image. Source images can
be in GIF, animated GIF, JPEG, or PNG format. When you select an external file as the image source, Fireworks
swaps that file with the target slice when the swap image is triggered in a web browser.
The file must have the same width and height as the slice it is swapping into. If it does not, the browser resizes the
file to fit within the slice object. Resizing the file may reduce its quality, especially in the case of an animated GIF.
To select an external image file as the source for a swap image:
1 While in the Swap Image, Nav Bar Over, or Nav Bar Down dialog box, select Image File and click the folder icon.
Note: If you don’t see this option in the Swap Image dialog box, select More Options and then perform step 1.
2 Navigate to the file you want to use, and click Open.
3 If necessary, deselect Preload Images (if the external file is an animated GIF).
Pre-caching can interrupt the display of animated GIFs as rollover states. To avoid this problem, deselect Preload
Images when setting up the rollover.
Note: If you plan to export your document for use on the web, be sure that your external image file is accessible from
the exported Fireworks HTML. Fireworks creates document-relative paths to image files. It is a good idea to place
external files in your local site before using them as swap images in Fireworks. When you upload your files to the web,
be sure that the external image file is uploaded as well. For more information on Fireworks HTML, see “Exporting
HTML” on page 280.
Preparing slices for export
Using the Property inspector, you can make slices interactive by assigning links and targets to the slices. You can
also specify alternate text to be displayed in a browser while an image is loading. In addition, you can select an export
file format to optimize a selected slice. If the Property inspector is minimized, click the expander arrow in the lower-
right corner to see all slice properties.
Slice properties in the Property inspector