User Guide
A slice triggering a rollover behavior and a disjoint rollover behavior
Note: You can also add multiple behaviors using the Behaviors panel. For more information, see “Using the Behaviors
panel to add interactivity to slices” on page 209.
To apply more than one rollover to a selected slice:
Drag a behavior handle from the selected slice to the edge of the same slice or onto another slice.
Dragging the handle to the upper-left edge of the same slice creates a swap image, and dragging it to another slice
creates a disjoint rollover.
2 Select the frame of the swap image and click OK.
3 Create more rollovers by repeating steps 1 and 2 as many times as desired.
Removing a drag-and-drop rollover
You can easily remove a drag-and-drop rollover from a slice, hotspot, or button.
To remove a drag-and-drop rollover from a selected web object or button:
1 Click on the blue behavior line you want to remove.
2 Click OK to remove the swap image behavior.
Using the Behaviors panel to add interactivity to slices
In addition to rollovers, you can attach other types of interactivity to slices using the Behaviors panel. You can create
custom interactions by editing existing behaviors.
Note: Although you can create simple, disjoint, and complex rollovers with the Behaviors panel, the drag-and-drop
rollover method is recommended. For more information, see “Adding simple interactivity to slices” on page 206.
The following behaviors are available in Fireworks:
Simple Rollover adds a rollover behavior to the selected slice using Frame 1 as the Up state and Frame 2 as the Over
state. After you select this behavior, you need to create an image in the second frame, under the same slice, to create
the Over state. The Simple Rollover option is actually a behavior group containing the Swap Image and Swap Image
Restore behaviors.
Swap Image replaces the image under the specified slice with the contents of another frame or the contents of an
external file.
Swap Image Restore restores the target object to its default appearance in Frame 1.