User Guide
The Color Mixer panel lets you create new colors to add to the current document’s color palette or to apply to selected
The Swatches panel manages the current document’s color palette.
The Info panel provides information about the dimensions of selected objects and the exact coordinates of the
pointer as you move it across the canvas.
The Behaviors panel manages behaviors, which determine what hotspots and slices do in response to mouse
The Find panel lets you search for and replace elements such as text, URLs, fonts, and colors in a document or
multiple documents.
The Create Symbol Script panel automates the creation of JavaScript files for customizable graphic symbols.
The Align panel contains controls for aligning and distributing objects on the canvas.
The Auto Shape Properties panel lets you make changes to the properties of an Auto Shape after you insert one into
your document.
Color Palette panel (under Others) gives you the ability to create and swap color palettes, export custom ACT color
swatches, explore various color schemes and access commonly-used controls for choosing colors
Image Editing (under Others) organizes common tools and options used for bitmap editing into one panel
Path panel (under Others) provides quick access to many path related commands
Special Characters (under Others) displays the special characters that can be used in text blocks
Symbol Properties manages the customizable properties of graphic symbols
Organizing panel groups and panels
By default, Fireworks panels are docked in groups in the docking area on the right side of the workspace. You can
undock panel groups, add panels to a group, undock individual panels, rearrange the order of docked panel groups,
and collapse and close panel groups. You can also open and close individual panels.
To undock or move a panel group:
❖ Drag the panel gripper on the upper left corner away from the panel docking area on the right side of the screen.
To dock a panel group:
❖ Drag the panel gripper onto the panel docking area.
As you drag a panel or panel group over the panel docking area, a placement preview line or rectangle shows where
it would be placed among the groups.
To collapse or expand a panel group or panel, do one of the following:
• Click the title of the panel group or panel.
Note: The title bar is still visible when the panel group or panel is collapsed.
• Click the expander arrow in the upper left corner of the panel group or panel.
To undock a panel from a panel group, do one of the following:
• Click on the panel and drag the panel out of the panel group. Drop the panel in the desired new location.