User Guide
To search for and replace fonts in one or more Fireworks documents:
Select Find Font from the Find pop-up menu of the Find panel.
2 Select the font and font style to find.
You can restrict your search by minimum and maximum point sizes.
3 Specify the font, font style, and point size to use as a replacement in the Change To area.
Finding and replacing colors
You can find all instances of a certain color in your Fireworks documents and then change it to something else.
To search for and replace colors in Fireworks documents:
Select Find Color from the Find pop-up menu.
2 Select an item from the Apply To pop-up menu to determine how the colors found are applied:
Fills & Strokes finds and replaces both fill and stroke colors.
All Properties finds and replaces fill, stroke, and effect colors.
Fills finds and replaces a fill color, except within pattern fills.
Strokes finds and replaces stroke colors only.
Effects finds and replaces effect colors only.
Finding and replacing URLs
In addition to words, typefaces, and colors, Fireworks allows you to find and replace URLs assigned to interactive
elements in your documents.
To search for and replace URLs assigned to web objects:
1 Select Find URL from the Find pop-up menu of the Find panel.
2 Enter the URL to search for in the Find text box.
3 Enter the replacement URL in the Change To text box.
4 If you want, select options to further define the search:
Whole Word finds the text only in the same form in which it appears in the Find option, not as part of any other
Match Case distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters during the search.
Regular Expressions matches parts of words or numbers conditionally during a search.
Finding and replacing non-websafe colors
A non-websafe color is a color not included in the Web216 color palette. A color is websafe if it dependably appears
to be the same color on both Macintosh and Windows platforms. For more information about websafe colors, see
“Optimizing GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and PICT files” on page 265.