User Guide
Creating and using rich graphic symbols
Rich symbols are a type of graphic symbol that can be intelligently scaled and given specific attributes using a JavaS-
cript (JSF) file. These attributes can then be controlled by using the Symbol Properties panel (Window > Symbol
Rich symbols can be used to create a user interface or website design quickly by just dragging symbols on to the
document and editing the parameters associated with them from the Symbol Properties panel.
To view or use a rich symbol:
Select Common Library from the Window menu to open the Common Library panel.
2 To use a symbol, drag and drop the symbol from the Common Library panel to the Fireworks canvas.
A pre-designed library of rich symbols has been included in Fireworks CS3. These may easily be customized to
accommodate the look and feel of a particular website or user interface.
As with all symbols, an instance of the rich symbol type can be edited by using the Property inspector, which has no
effect on other instances of the symbol. You can also change the symbol properties using the Symbol Properties
To edit the symbol itself, you can double-click the symbol instance and edit the symbol in the Symbol Editor. These
edits affect the current symbol and all other instances of the symbol.
Note: For most types of edits, modifying an instance affects the symbol and all other instances. There are some excep-
tions, however. For more information, see “Editing instances” on page 193.
To create a rich graphic symbol:
1 Create an object with attributes that may need to be customized.
This symbol could have the bullet color and the bullet number as customizable options.
2 When creating the object, customize the names of the features that you want to be editable by typing a name into
the Layers panel. For example, an editable text field could be named “label.” This name will be used in the JavaScript
Note: When naming features, do not include any spaces in the name. This will cause a JavaScript error. So, for example,
“number label” cannot be used as a name, but “number_label” can.
3 Select the objects and select Modify > Symbol > Convert to Symbol.
4 Type a name for the symbol in the Name text box of the Convert to Symbol dialog box.
5 Select Graphic as the symbol type, and select Save to Common Library. Then click OK.
The software prompts you for a location to save your new symbol. By default the software creates a “Custom
Symbols” folder. You can save your new symbol here or create another folder at the same level as the Custom Symbols
Note: Rich symbols must be saved in a folder within the Common Library.
After being saved, the symbol is removed from the canvas and appears in the Common Library.
6 Open the Create Symbol Script panel by selecting Create Symbol Script from the Commands menu.