User Guide
A pixel selection is created on the selected bitmap from the intersection of the opaque areas of the two overlapping
When you position the pointer over the thumbnail and hold down the specified modifier keys, the pointer
indicates that you are about to create a pixel selection from the intersection of the opaque areas of two overlapping
Creating an inverse pixel selection
Starting with a current pixel selection, you can create another pixel selection that selects all the pixels that are not
currently selected. You can use this method to select and then erase all pixels surrounding the original selection, for
To create an inverse pixel selection:
1 Make a pixel selection using any bitmap selection tool.
2 Choose Select > Select Inverse.
All pixels that were not in the original selection are now selected.
Feathering a pixel selection
Feathering creates a see-through effect for the selected pixels. When using the Feather command, you can try out
various feather amounts and view the results before deselecting the pixels. You can also feather a selection by setting
a feather amount in the Property inspector before or during your use of a bitmap selection tool. For more infor-
mation, see “Bitmap selection tool options” on page 44.
To feather a pixel selection:
1 Choose Select > Feather.
2 Enter a Feather amount in the Feather dialog box.
The selection marquee changes size to reflect the feather amount.
3 If necessary, change the number in the Feather dialog box to adjust the feather amount.
4 Click OK.
To view the appearance of the feathered selection without the surrounding pixels, select Select > Select Inverse, and
then press Delete. You can then use the History panel or Edit > Undo to try again.
Expanding or contracting a marquee
After you draw a marquee to select pixels, you can expand or contract its border.
To expand the border of a marquee:
After drawing the marquee, select Select > Expand Marquee.
2 Enter the number of pixels by which you want to expand the border of the marquee, and click OK.
To contract the border of a marquee:
After drawing the marquee, select Select > Contract Marquee.
2 Enter the number of pixels by which you want to contract the border of the marquee, and click OK.