User Guide
Viewing layers
The Layers panel displays objects and layers in a hierarchical structure. If a document contains many objects and
layers, the Layers panel can become cluttered and difficult to navigate. Collapsing the display of layers helps eliminate
clutter. When you need to view or select specific objects on a layer, you can expand that layer. You can also expand
or collapse all layers at once.
To expand or collapse a layer:
❖ Click the triangle to the left of the layer name in the Layers panel.
To expand or collapse all layers:
❖ Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) the triangle to the left of the layer name in the Layers panel.
Organizing layers
You can organize layers and objects in a document by naming them and rearranging them in the Layers panel.
Objects can be moved within a layer or between layers.
Moving layers and objects in the Layers panel changes the order in which objects appear on the canvas. Objects at
the top of a layer appear above other objects in that layer on the canvas. Objects on the topmost layer appear in front
of objects on lower layers.
Note: The Layers panel auto-scrolls when you drag a layer or object up or down beyond the bounds of the viewable area.
To name a layer or object:
1 Double-click a layer or object in the Layers panel.
2 Type a new name for the layer or object and press Enter.
Note: The Web Layer cannot be renamed. However, you can rename sub-layers of the Web Layer and web objects on the
Web Layer, such as slices and hotspots. For more information, see “Using the Web Layer” on page 163.
To move a layer or object:
❖ Drag the layer or object to the desired location in the Layers panel.
To move all selected objects on a layer to another location, do one of the following:
• Drag the layer’s blue selection indicator to another layer.
• After selecting the objects, click once in the right-hand column (where the blue selection indicator would
normally appear) of the destination layer.
All selected objects on the layer move to the other layer simultaneously.
Note: A parent layer cannot be dragged into its child layer.
To copy all selected objects on a layer to another location, do one of the following:
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) the layer’s blue selection indicator to another layer.
• After selecting the objects, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) once in the right-hand column
(where the blue selection indicator would normally appear) of the destination layer.
Fireworks copies all selected objects on the layer to the other layer.