User Guide
3 Click the From color box to select the color probe, and select a color from the pop-up menu to specify the color
you want to replace.
4 Click the To color box in the Property inspector and select a color from the pop-up menu.
5 Set the other stroke attributes in the Property inspector:
Size sets the size of the brush tip.
Shape sets a round or square brush tip shape.
Tole ran ce determines the range of colors to replace (0 replaces only the To color; 255 replaces all colors similar to
the To color).
Strength determines how much of the Change color is replaced.
Colorize replaces the Change color with the To color. Deselect Colorize to tint the Change color with the To color,
leaving some of the Change color intact.
6 Drag the tool over the color you want to replace.
To replace one color with another by selecting a color on the image:
Select the Replace Color tool from its pop-up menu.
2 In the From box in the Property inspector, click Image.
3 Click the To color box in the Property inspector to select the color probe, then select a color from the pop-up
4 Set the other stroke attributes in the Property inspector:
Size sets the size of the brush tip.
Shape sets a round or square brush tip shape.
Tole ran ce determines the range of colors to replace (0 replaces only the To color; 255 replaces all colors similar to
the To color).
Strength determines how much of the Change color is replaced.
Colorize replaces the From color with the To color. Deselect Colorize to tint the From color with the To color, leaving
some of the From color intact.
5 Using the tool, click down on a section of the bitmap image that contains the color you want to replace. Without
lifting the tool, continue to brush across the image with it. The color that you clicked down on when you initiated
the brushing action will be replaced by the color you’ve specified in the To color box.
Cropping a selected bitmap
You can isolate a single bitmap object in a Fireworks document and crop only that bitmap object, leaving other
objects on the canvas intact.
To crop a bitmap image without affecting other objects in the document:
Select a bitmap object by clicking the object on the canvas or by clicking its thumbnail in the Layers panel, or draw
a selection marquee using a bitmap selection tool.
2 Select Edit > Crop Selected Bitmap.