User Guide
2 The current export/save location, which is defined anytime you browse away from the default location presented
in a Save, Save As, Save a Copy, or Export dialog box
3 The current file’s location
4 The default location where new documents or images are saved on your operating system
In contrast, the default location where Fireworks saves a document is determined by a different set of criteria. For
more information, see “Saving Fireworks files” on page 22.
Exporting a single image
You use the File > Export command to export a graphic after you have finished optimizing it in the workspace.
If you are working with an existing image that you opened in Fireworks, you can save it rather than export it. For
more information, see “Saving documents in other formats” on page 23.
Note: To export only certain images in a document, you must first slice your document and then export only the desired
slices. For more information, see “Exporting selected slices” on page 278.
To export a Fireworks document as a single image:
1 Select the file format you would like to use for exporting in the Optimize panel and set format-specific options.
2 Select File > Export.
3 Select a location to export the image file to.
For web graphics, the best location is typically a folder within your local website.
4 Enter a filename. You do not need to enter a file extension; Fireworks does that for you upon export using the file
type you specified in your optimization settings. For more information on optimizing, see “About optimizing” on
page 257.
5 Select Images Only from the Export pop-up menu.
6 Click Export.
Exporting a sliced document
By default, when you export a sliced Fireworks document, an HTML file and associated images are exported. The
exported HTML file can be viewed in a web browser or imported into other applications for further editing.
Note: You can get Fireworks HTML into other applications using any of several techniques. For more about HTML and
the other ways to export Fireworks HTML, see “Exporting HTML” on page 280.
Before export, be sure you have the appropriate HTML style selected in the HTML Setup dialog box. For more infor-
mation, see “Setting HTML export options” on page 287.
To export a sliced Fireworks document:
Select File > Export.
2 Navigate to the desired folder on your hard drive.
3 Select HTML and Images from the Export pop-up menu.
4 Type a filename in the File Name (Windows) or Save As (Macintosh) box.
5 Select Export HTML File from the HTML pop-up menu.
6 Select Export Slices from the Slices pop-up menu.