User Guide
Working with layers
Each object in a document resides on a layer. You can either create layers before you draw or add layers as needed.
The canvas is below all layers and is not itself a layer. For information on working with the canvas, see “Changing the
canvas” on page 34.
You can view the stacking order of layers, sub-layers, and objects in the Layers panel. This is the order in which they
appear in the document. Fireworks stacks layers based on the order in which you created them, placing the most
recently created layer on the top of the stack. The stacking order determines how objects on one layer overlap objects
on another. You can rearrange the order of layers and of objects within layers, and you can create sub-layers and move
objects onto them.
The Layers panel displays the current state of all layers in the current frame or page of a document. To view other
frames or pages, you can use the Frames or Pages panel, or select an option from the Frame pop-up menu at the
bottom of the Layers panel, or the Pages pop-up menu at the bottom of the document window. For more infor-
mation, see “Working with frames” on page 242 and “Working with pages” on page 155.
The name of the active layer is highlighted in the Layers panel. You can expand a layer to view a list of all the objects
on it. By default, the objects are displayed in thumbnails.
Masks are also shown in the Layers panel. Selecting the mask thumbnail allows you to edit the mask. You can also
create new bitmap masks using the Layers panel. For more information about masking, see “Masking images” on
page 164.
Opacity and blend mode controls are at the top of the Layers panel. For more information, see “Adjusting opacity
and applying blends” on page 181.
A. Expand/Collapse Layer B. Lock/Unlock Layer C. Show/Hide Layer D. Active Layer E. Delete Layer F. New/Duplicate Layer G. New Sub
Layer H. Add Mask I. New Bitmap Image
Activating layers
When you click a layer or an object on a layer, that layer becomes the active layer. Objects that you subsequently draw,
paste, or import reside initially at the top of the active layer.