User Guide
Relative URLs are usually the simplest ones to use for links to files that will always remain in the same folder as the
current document.
Working with pages
If your Fireworks document contains a number of pages, you can automatically create links between the pages by
using the URLs for each page. The pop-up menu in the Link field in either the Property inspector or the URL panel
contains a list of URLs for each page in your document. Just select one of these page URLs to create a link to that page.
If you would like your default page URLs to have an extension other than “.htm”, use the following procedure:
1) With your document open, select File > Export.
2) Select HTML and images in the Export pop-up menu.
3) Click the Options button.
4) On the General tab, select the desired file extension from the Extension pop-up menu and click OK.
5) Click Cancel in the Export dialog. The file extension for the URLs in the Links pop-up menu is changed to the
new extension.
Assigning a URL to a web object
To assign a URL to a web object:
Enter the URL in the Link text box.
2 Click the Plus (+) button to add the URL.
3 Select a web object.
4 Select the URL from the URL preview pane.
Creating a URL library
You can group URLs in libraries. This keeps related URLs together, making them easier to access. You can save URLs
in the default URL library, URLs.htm, or in new URL libraries that you create. You can also import an existing HTML
document’s URLs and then create a library of them.
URLs.htm and any new libraries you create are stored in the URL Libraries folder in the Adobe/Fireworks folder in
your user-specific Application Data (Windows) or Application Support (Macintosh) folder. For information on
locating this folder, see “Working with configuration files” on page 350.
To create a new URL library:
Select New URL Library from the URL panel Options menu.
2 Enter the library name in the text box and click OK.
The new library name appears in the Library pop-up menu in the URL panel.
To add a new URL to a URL library:
Select a library from the Library pop-up menu.
2 Enter a URL in the Link text box.
3 Click the Plus (+) button.
The Plus (+) button adds the current URL to the library.
You can further organize your URLs by adding only those that are in use in your document.