User Guide
Note: The name appears in the title bar of the document whenever you select this item. For slices and buttons, the name
is the filename when exported.
• The number of objects when more than one object is selected
Note: If the status bar is turned on (Windows only), selected objects are also identified in the status bar at the bottom of
the document window.
The Property inspector also displays information and settings for the object type selected. For example, when you
select a vector path, the Property inspector displays vector path properties, such as stroke width and color.
Modifying a selection
After you select a single object, you can add objects to the selection and deselect objects that are selected. Using a
single command, you can select or deselect everything on every layer in a document. You can also hide the selection
path so that you can edit a selected object while viewing it as it will appear on the web or in print.
To add to a selection:
❖ Hold down Shift while clicking additional objects with the Pointer, Subselection, or Select Behind tool.
To deselect an object while leaving other objects selected:
❖ Hold down Shift while clicking the selected object.
To select everything on every layer in the document:
❖ Choose Select > Select All.
Note: Select All does not select hidden objects.
To deselect all selected objects:
❖ Choose Select > Deselect.
Note: You must deselect the Single Layer Editing preference to select all visible objects on all layers in a document.
When you select the Single Layer Editing preference, only objects on the current layer are selected. For more infor-
mation, see “Organizing layers” on page 161.
To hide the path selection feedback of a selected object:
❖ Select View > Hide Edges.
Note: You can use the Layers panel or the Property inspector to identify the selected object when the outline and points
are hidden.
To hide selected objects:
❖ Select View > Hide Selection.
Note: Hidden objects are not exported. (This does not apply to slice and hotspot web objects on the Web Layer.)