User Guide
8 Do one of the following to complete the pop-up menu or continue building it:
• Click Next to move to the Position tab or select another tab to continue building the pop-up menu.
• Click Done to close the Pop-up Menu Editor. In the workspace, the hotspot or slice on which you built the pop-
up menu displays a blue behavior line attached to an outline of the top level of the pop-up menu.
Note: To view a pop-up menu, press F12 to preview it in a browser. The previews in the Fireworks workspace do not
display pop-up menus.
Positioning pop-up menus and submenus
The Position tab of the Pop-up Menu Editor lets you specify a pop-up menu’s position. You can also position a top-
level pop-up menu by dragging its outline in the workspace when the Web Layer is visible.
To set the position for a pop-up menu using the Pop-up Menu Editor:
1 With the desired pop-up menu open in the Pop-up Menu Editor, click the Position tab.
For information on opening an existing pop-up menu in the Pop-up Menu Editor, see “Editing pop-up menus” on
page 236.
2 Do one of the following to define the menu position:
• Click a Position button to position the pop-up menu relative to the slice that triggers it.
• Enter x and y coordinates. Coordinates of 0,0 align the upper left corner of the pop-up menu with the upper left
corner of the slice or hotspot that triggers it.
3 Do one of the following:
• If you have submenus, position them as described in the next procedure.
• Click Back to modify properties on other tabs.
• Click Done to close the Pop-up Menu Editor.