User Guide
Setting advanced pop-up menu properties
The Advanced tab of the Pop-up Menu Editor offers additional settings to control cell size, padding, and spacing;
text indention; menu disappearance delay; and border width, color, shadow, and highlight.
To set advanced cell properties for the current pop-up menu:
1 With the desired pop-up menu open in the Pop-up Menu Editor, click the Advanced tab.
For information on opening an existing pop-up menu in the Pop-up Menu Editor, see “Editing pop-up menus” on
page 236.
2 Select a width or height constraint from the Automatic/Pixels pop-up menu:
Automatic forces the cell height to conform to the text size set in the Appearance tab of the Pop-up Menu Editor and
the cell width to conform to the menu item that contains the longest text.
Pixels allows you to enter specific measurements in pixels in the Cell Width and Cell Height text boxes.
3 Enter a value in the Cell Padding text box to determine the distance between pop-up menu text and the edge of
the cell.
4 Enter a value in the Cell Spacing text box to set the amount of space between menu cells.
5 Enter a value in the Text Indent text box to set the amount of indention for pop-up menu text.
6 Enter a value in the Menu Delay text box to set the amount of time in milliseconds that the menu remains visible
after the pointer is moved away from it.
7 Set pop-up border properties:
Show Borders allows you to show or hide pop-up menu borders. If this option is not selected, the following options
are disabled.
Border Width sets the width of the pop-up menu border.
Border Color, Shadow, and Highlight allow you to modify the color of pop-up menu borders.
Note: Many of these options are disabled if the Image Cell type is selected on the Appearance tab.