User Guide
For information on exporting JPEG and GIF files, see Fireworks Help. For information on exporting to PNG format,
see “Exporting PNG files with transparency” on page 311. For information on importing any of these formats into
Flash, see “Importing exported Fireworks graphics and animations into Flash” on page 311.
Note: Although PNG is the native file format for Fireworks, PNG graphic files exported from Fireworks are different from
source PNG files you save in Fireworks. Exported PNG files are not different from GIFs or JPEGs; they only contain
image data and don’t contain any additional information such as slicing, layers, interactivity, Live Filters, or other
editable content. For more information on PNG source files, see Fireworks Help.
Exporting Fireworks graphics and animations as SWF files
Fireworks graphics and animations can be exported as Flash SWF files. You can make several choices about how
objects are exported.
Some formatting is lost unless you choose Maintain Appearance in the Flash SWF Export Options dialog box. Stroke
size and stroke color are maintained. The following formatting is lost during export to SWF format:
• Blend mode
• Layers
• Masks (applied before export)
• Slice objects, image maps, and behaviors
• Pattern fills
• Contour gradients
To export a Fireworks graphic or animation as a SWF file:
1 Select File > Export or click the Quick Export button and choose Export SWF from the Flash pop-up menu.
2 In the Export dialog box, type a filename and choose a destination folder.
3 Select Flash SWF from the Save As pop-up menu.
4 Click the Options button.
The Flash SWF Export Options dialog box appears.