User Guide
• To set how long each frame appears in the Document window, enter frame delay settings in the Frames panel.
• Frames excluded from the export do not appear in the preview.
• Previewing the animation in the Original view displays the full-resolution source graphic, not the optimized
preview used for the exported file.
To preview an animation in Preview view:
1 Click the Preview button at the upper left of the Document window.
2 Use the frame controls.
Note: Previewing animations in 2-Up or 4-Up view is not recommended.
To preview an animation in a web browser:
❖ Select File > Preview in Browser, and select a browser from the submenu.
Note: Animated GIF must be selected as the Export file format in the Optimize panel, or no motion will be visible when
you preview the document in your browser. This is required even if you plan to import your animation into Flash as a
SWF or Fireworks PNG file.
Exporting your animation
After you set up the symbols and frames that make up your animation, you are ready to export the file as an
animation. Before you export the files, you need to enter a few settings to make your animation load more easily and
play more smoothly. You can set playback settings like looping and transparency and then use optimization to make
your exported file smaller and easier to download.
Note: If you plan to import your animation into Flash for further editing, you do not need to export it. Flash can directly
import Fireworks PNG source files. For more information, see “Working with Flash” on page 305.
Setting the animation repetition
The Loop setting in the Frames panel determines how many times the animation repeats. This feature loops frames
over and over so you can minimize the number of frames needed to build the animation.
To set the selected animation to repeat:
Select Window > Frames to display the Frames panel.
2 Click the GIF Animation Looping button at the bottom of the panel.
3 Select the number of times to repeat the animation after the first time.
If you select 4, for example, the animation plays five times in all. Forever repeats the animation continuously.
Setting transparency
As part of the optimization process, you can have one or more colors in an animated GIF be displayed as transparent
in a web browser. This is useful when you want a web page background color or image to show through the
To display a color as transparent in a web browser:
1 Select Window > Optimize if the Optimize panel is not visible.