recent 16
saving 22
switching 31
tiling views 33
Dodge tool 66
Doughnut tool 87
Down button state 221
updates, plug-ins, and tryouts 7
downsampling 36
drag-and-drop behaviors
blue line 207
definition 207
deleting 208, 209
dragging and dropping 18
drawing 87
arrows 86
bending adjacent segments 99
beveled rectangles 86
chamfer rectangles 87
changing adjacent segments 99
connector lines 87
converting straight paths to
curved 97
distorting objects 57
ellipses 84
lines 84
L-shapes 87
pie charts 87
polygons 85, 87
rectangles 84
rounded rectangles 85, 87
selecting a point 98
spirals 87
splitting paths 104
stars 85
drawing area. See canvas
behaviors 206, 299
editing Adobe Fireworks images
in 297
exporting to 288, 296
files 292
libraries 296
making Adobe Fireworks the
default image editor 302
placeholders 292
Dreamweaver and Adobe Fireworks
Design Notes 303
editing Adobe Fireworks
animations 301
external editor preference 303
Launch and Edit preferences 304
launching and editing Adobe
Fireworks images 298
launching and editing Adobe
Fireworks tables 299
launching and optimizing Adobe
Fireworks images 300
Optimize Image in Adobe
Fireworks command 300
updating Adobe Fireworks
HTML 296
drop shadows 150
selected objects 53
beveled 149
showing and hiding 43
Edit Gradient dialog box 143
Edit Stroke dialog box 138
actions in the History panel 345
animation symbols 240
behaviors 210
bitmap objects 63
gradient fills 142
images 63
Live Filters 152
pages 156
paths 100
pixels 44
pop-up menus 236
selected objects 53
single layer 162
solid fills 141
styles 185
editing paths 107
editing 152
finding and replacing 333
glow 150
Live Filters 147
plug-ins 151
removing 152
setting defaults 153
ellipse 84
e-mail 289
embossing 149
EPS files, opening in Adobe
Fireworks 17
Eraser tool 65
erasing bitmaps 65
Expand command 49
Expand Stroke command 106
layers 161
strokes 106
Export Area tool 280
Export Preview 258
comparing optimization
settings 259
optimizing 258
panning area 259
previewing 258
previewing optimization 258
zooming 259
exporting 276
Adobe Fireworks files to
Dreamweaver 321
an area 280
animated GIFs 248
animations 247, 279
batch process settings 337
CSS layers 285
customizing files for
Photoshop 325
default location for 276
frames as multiple files 279
hotspots 217
HTML 280
images 277
layers as multiple files 279
pages as image files 158
pages to HTML 157
results 281
slices 211, 278
styles 185
symbols 195
to Director 317
to Dreamweaver 296
to Flash 305, 310
to FreeHand 314
to Illustrator 314
to Photoshop 325
to WBMP files 265