User Guide
The pointer changes to the guide movement pointer.
2 Drag the slice guide to the desired location.
The slices are resized, and all adjacent slices are automatically resized as well.
To reposition a slice guide to the far edge of the canvas,
❖ Use the Pointer or Subselection tool to drag the slice guide beyond the edge of the canvas.
To move adjacent slice guides:
1 Shift-drag a slice guide across adjacent slices guides.
2 Release the slice guide in the desired location.
All slice guides that you dragged across are moved to this location.
You can cancel this operation by releasing the Shift key before you release the mouse button. All slice guides that
were picked up snap back to their original positions.
Using tools to edit slice objects
You can use the Pointer, Subselection, and Transform tools to reshape or resize a slice. You can skew and distort
only polygon slices.
Note: Resizing and reshaping slices using these tools can create overlapping slices, because the size of adjacent slice
objects is not automatically adjusted. When slices overlap, the topmost slice takes precedence if interactivity is involved.
To avoid overlapping slices, use slice guides to edit slices. For more information, see “Moving slice guides to edit slices”
on page 204.
To edit the shape of a selected slice, do one of the following:
• Select the Pointer or Subselection tool and drag the slice’s corner points to modify its shape.
• Use a transformation tool to perform the desired transformation.
For more information on using the transformation tools, see “Transforming and distorting selected objects and
selections” on page 54.
Note: Transforming a rectangular slice may change its shape, position, or dimensions, but the slice itself
remains rectangular.
About using the Property inspector or Info panel to edit slice objects
You can also change a slice object’s position and size numerically using the Property inspector. For more infor-
mation about changing an object’s dimensions numerically, see “Transforming objects numerically” on page 57. For
more information about changing an object’s position numerically, see “Editing selected objects” on page 53.
Making slices interactive
The basic building blocks for creating interactivity in Fireworks are slice objects. Fireworks offers two ways to make
slices interactive:
• The drag-and-drop rollover method is the easiest way to make a slice interactive. By merely dragging a slice’s
behavior handle and dropping it onto a target slice, you can quickly create simple interactivity.