User Guide
10 Click Save Script if you want to save the batch process settings for future use.
For more information, see “Saving batch processes as scripts” on page 340.
11 Click Batch to perform your batch process.
At the end of the batch process, if any of the files added to the batch were not able to be processed, a notification
appears that alerts you to the problem.
In addition, a log file named FireworksBatchLog.txt is created during the batch process. It lists all of the files
processed, the specific files that could not be opened (if any), and other information. You can find this log file at:
• \\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\Fireworks 9\FireworksBatchLog.txt (Windows)
• /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe Fireworks 9/FireworksBatchLog.txt (Macintosh)
Changing optimization settings with a batch process
You can change file optimization settings using the Export option in the Batch Process dialog box.
To set export settings for a batch process:
Select Export from the Batch Options list and click Add.
2 From the Settings pop-up menu, select from the following options and click OK:
• Select Use Settings from Each File to keep each file’s previous export settings during the batch process. For
example, when you batch-process a folder of GIFs and JPEGs, the resulting files remain GIFs and JPEGs, and
Fireworks uses the original palette and compression settings when exporting each file.
• Select Custom or click Edit to change settings in the Export Preview dialog box.
• Select a preset export setting such as GIF Web216 or JPEG – Better Quality. All files are converted to this setting.
3 Click Next to continue the batch process.
For information on completing the batch process, see “Batch processing” on page 334.