User Guide
• The HTML code necessary to reassemble sliced images and any JavaScript code if the document contains inter-
active elements. Fireworks HTML contains links to the exported images and sets the web page background color
to the canvas color.
• One or more image files, depending on how many slices are in your document and how many states you include
in buttons.
• A file called spacer.gif, if necessary. Spacer.gif is a transparent, 1-pixel-by-1-pixel GIF that Fireworks uses to fix
spacing problems when sliced images are reassembled in an HTML table. You can choose whether Fireworks
exports a spacer. For more information, see “Setting HTML export options” on page 287.
• If your Fireworks document contains pop-up menus, and you export those pop-up menus, the following files are
exported: mm_css_menu.js and a .css file containing the CSS pop-up menu code. If your pop-up menus contain
submenus, an arrows.gif file is also exported.
• If you export or copy HTML to Dreamweaver, notes files are created that facilitate the integration between
Fireworks and Dreamweaver. These files have an .mno extension.
Exporting Fireworks HTML
Fireworks lets you export HTML in Generic, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and Adobe GoLive formats. Generic HTML
works in most HTML editors. Exporting Fireworks HTML generates an HTML file and the associated image files in
a location you specify.
Note: Fireworks also exports HTML when you export to CSS layers and to Director. For more information about CSS
layers, see “Exporting CSS layers” on page 285. For more about Director, see “Working with Director” on page 317.
The export method of getting Fireworks HTML into other applications is ideal if you are working in a team
environment. Exporting an HTML file divides the workflow into segments so that one person can perform a task in
one application, and another can take over at a later time using another application.
You can set up global HTML export preferences using the HTML Setup dialog box. For more information, see
“Setting HTML export options” on page 287.
Note: Dreamweaver shares a tight integration with Fireworks. Fireworks handles the export of HTML Dreamweaver
differently than that of other HTML editors. If you are exporting Fireworks HTML to Dreamweaver, follow these instruc-
tions, but for additional application-specific notes, also see “Working with Dreamweaver” on page 292.
To export Fireworks HTML:
1 Do one of the following to open the Export dialog box:
• Select File > Export.
• Click the Quick Export button at the upper right corner of the Document window, then select an export option
from the destination application’s pop-up menu. Fireworks automatically fills in the text boxes of the Export
dialog box with the appropriate settings for the selected application.
Note: Non-Adobe applications are found in the Quick Export > Other submenu.
2 Navigate to the desired site folder on your hard drive.
3 Select HTML and Images from the Export pop-up menu.
4 Click the Options button and select your HTML editor from the HTML Style pop-up menu on the General tab of
the HTML Setup dialog box. If your HTML editor is not listed, select Generic.
Note: It’s important that you select your HTML editor as the HTML style; if you do not, interactive elements such as
buttons and rollovers may not function correctly when imported into your HTML editor.