Chapter 17: Automating Repetitive Tasks
Web designers often spend lots of time doing repetitive tasks, such as optimizing images or converting images to fit
within certain constraints. Part of the power of Fireworks CS3 is its capability to automate and simplify many tedious
drawing, editing, and file-conversion tasks.
To speed up your editing process, you can use Find and Replace to search for and replace elements within a file or
elements from multiple files. You can find and replace elements such as URLs, fonts, color, text, and commands
created in the History panel.
You can use the Batch Process feature to convert entire groups of image files into other formats or to change their
color palettes. Batch Process can apply custom optimization settings to groups of files. You can also resize a group of
files, making Batch Process an ideal tool for creating thumbnails.
Using the History panel, you can create commands that are shortcuts for commonly used features or create a script
that can perform a complex series of steps. Fireworks can understand and execute JavaScript, so advanced users can
automate very complex tasks by writing JavaScript commands and then executing them in Fireworks. You can
control nearly every Fireworks command or setting through JavaScript using special JavaScript commands that
Fireworks can interpret.
The Extension Manager lets you import, install, and delete extensions in Adobe applications to extend the capabil-
ities of Fireworks.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• “Finding and replacing” on page 330
• “Batch processing” on page 334
• “Extending Fireworks” on page 341
• “Flash SWF movies used as Fireworks panels” on page 345
Finding and replacing
The Find and Replace feature helps you search for and replace elements, such as text, URLs, fonts, and colors. Find
and Replace can search the current document or multiple files.
Find and Replace works only in Fireworks PNG files or in files containing vector objects, such as Adobe FreeHand,
uncompressed CorelDraw, and Adobe Illustrator files.