User Guide
Smoothing text edges
To smooth out a text edge, you “anti-alias” it. This makes the edges of the text blend into the background so that the
text is cleaner and more readable when it is large.
Original text; after smoothing
You use the Property inspector to set anti-aliasing. If the Property inspector is minimized, click the expander arrow
in the lower right corner to see all properties. Anti-aliasing applies to all characters in a given text block.
No Anti-Alias disables text smoothing.
Crisp Anti-Alias creates a sharp transition between the edges of the text and the background.
Strong Anti-Alias creates a very abrupt transition between the edges of the text and the background, preserving the
shapes of the text characters and enhancing detailed areas of the characters.
Smooth Anti-Alias creates a soft transition between the edges of the text and the background.
System Anti-Alias uses the text smoothing method provided by Windows XP or Mac OS X.
Custom Anti-Alias provides the following expert-level controls over anti-aliasing:
Oversampling determines the amount of detail used for creating the transition between the text edges and the
Sharpness determines the smoothness of the transition between the text edges and the background.
Strength determines how much the text edges blend into the background.
To apply an anti-aliased edge to selected text:
❖ In the Property inspector, select one of options from the Anti-Aliasing pop-up menu:
Note: When you open vector files, such as Adobe FreeHand files, in Fireworks, text is anti-aliased. You can edit this
attribute using the Property inspector. For more information, see “Opening graphics created in other applications” on
page 16.
Adjusting character width
You can expand or contract the character width of horizontal text using the Horizontal Scale option in the Property
Horizontal scale is measured in percentage values. 100% is the default.
Horizontal Scale option in the Property inspector
If the Property inspector is minimized, click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.
To expand or contract selected characters:
❖ In the Property inspector, drag the Horizontal Scale pop-up slider or enter a value in the text box. Drag the slider
higher than 100% to expand the width or height of the characters, and drag it lower to reduce their width or height.