Chapter 15: Optimizing and Exporting
The ultimate goal in web graphic design is to create great-looking images that download as fast as possible. To do
that, you must select a file format with the best compression for your image while maintaining as much quality as
possible. This balancing act is optimization—finding the right mix of color, compression, and quality.
Exporting graphics from Fireworks is a two-step process:
• First, you prepare a document or individual sliced graphics for export by selecting optimization settings and
comparing previews to determine an acceptable balance between quality and file size.
• Second, you export (or in some cases, save) the document or individual sliced graphics using export settings
suitable for their destination on the web or elsewhere.
If you are new to optimizing and exporting web graphics, you can use the Export Wizard. The wizard guides you
through the export process and suggests settings. It also displays the Image Preview, where you can optimize a
document as part of the export process.
If you are comfortable with the tasks of optimizing and exporting graphics, you’ll want to use the other tools available
in Fireworks for optimizing and exporting. For optimizing, you use the Optimize panel and the preview buttons in
the Document window. They offer you greater control over the optimization process. For exporting, you use the
Export dialog box or the Quick Export button. In some cases, you can simply save the graphic without exporting.
For more information, see “Saving documents in other formats” on page 23.
The Quick Export button makes exporting graphics for use in other applications easy by automatically setting the
appropriate options in the Export dialog box for you. If you use Fireworks with other applications, the Quick Export
button can simplify your design workflow.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• “About optimizing” on page 257
• “Using the Export Wizard” on page 258
• “Optimizing in the workspace” on page 261
• “Exporting from Fireworks” on page 276
• “Sending a Fireworks document as an e-mail attachment” on page 289
• “Using the File Management button” on page 289
About optimizing
Optimizing graphics in Fireworks involves doing the following:
• Choosing the best file format. Each file format has a different method of compressing color information. Choosing
the appropriate format for certain types of graphics can greatly reduce file size.
• Setting format-specific options. Each graphic file format has a unique set of options. You can use options such as
color depth to reduce file size. Some graphic formats such as GIF and JPEG also have options for controlling image