User Guide
About Roundtrip HTML
Fireworks recognizes and preserves most types of edits made to a document in Dreamweaver, including changed
links, edited image maps, edited text and HTML in HTML slices, and behaviors shared between Fireworks and
Dreamweaver. The Property inspector in Dreamweaver helps you identify Fireworks-generated images, table slices,
and tables in a document.
Although Fireworks supports most types of Dreamweaver edits, radical changes made to a table’s structure in
Dreamweaver can create irreconcilable differences between the two applications. If you make radical changes to a
table layout in Dreamweaver and then attempt to launch and edit the table in Fireworks, a message appears warning
you that changes you make in Fireworks will overwrite any edits previously made to the table in Dreamweaver. If you
want to make considerable changes to a table layout, use the Dreamweaver launch-and-edit feature to edit the table
in Fireworks.
Editing Fireworks images
You can start Fireworks to edit individual images placed in a Dreamweaver document.
Note: Before editing Fireworks graphics from Dreamweaver, you should perform some preliminary tasks. For more infor-
mation, see “Setting launch-and-edit options” on page 302.
To open and edit a Fireworks image placed in Dreamweaver:
1 In Dreamweaver, choose Window > Properties to open the Property inspector, if it is not already open.
2 Do one of the following:
• Select the desired image. (The Property inspector identifies the selection as a Fireworks image and displays the
name of the known PNG source file for the image.) Then click Edit in the Property inspector.
• Control-double-click (Windows) or Command-double-click (Macintosh) the image you want to edit.
• Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the desired image, and choose Edit with Fireworks from the
context menu.
Dreamweaver starts Fireworks, if it is not already open.
3 If prompted, specify whether to locate a source Fireworks file for the placed image. For more information on
Fireworks source PNG files, see Fireworks Help.
4 In Fireworks, edit the image. The Document window indicates that you are editing an image from Dreamweaver.
Dreamweaver recognizes and preserves all edits applied to the image in Fireworks.
5 When you have finished editing the image, click Done in the Document window.
The image is exported using the current optimization settings, the GIF or JPEG file used by Dreamweaver is updated,
and the PNG source file is saved if a source file was selected.
Note: Using Fireworks technology, Dreamweaver provides basic image-editing features that let you modify images
without having to use an external image-editing application. You can crop, resize, resample, and so on, without leaving
Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver image-editing features apply only to JPEG and GIF image file formats. Other bitmap
image file formats cannot be edited using these image-editing features. For more information on editing images in
Dreamweaver, see Dreamweaver Help.
Note: When you open an image from the Dreamweaver Site panel, the default editor for that image type, which is set in
Dreamweaver Preferences, opens the file. When images are opened from this location, Fireworks does not open the
original PNG file. To use the Fireworks integration features, open images from within the Dreamweaver Document