User Guide
To edit a command using JavaScript:
From your desktop, navigate to the appropriate Commands or Command Panels folder on your hard disk.
Note: The exact location of these folders varies from system to system and depends on whether you want the command
or panel to be available just to your user profile or to all users. Commands and Command Panels folders are located
in the Configuration folder in the Fireworks application folder and also in your user-specific Fireworks configuration
folder. For more information, see “Working with configuration files” on page 350.
2 Open the desired script file in a text editor and modify the JavaScript code.
3 Save and close the script.
To edit selected actions from the History panel using JavaScript:
In Fireworks, select a range of steps in the History panel.
2 Click the Copy Steps to Clipboard button at the bottom of the History panel.
3 Create a new document in a text-editing application.
4 Paste the steps into the new text document.
5 Modify the steps as desired.
6 Save and close the script.
7 Copy the script to the Commands folder on your hard disk.
Note: The exact location of this folder varies from system to system and depends on whether you want the command
to be available just to your user profile or to all users. Commands folders are located in the Configuration folder in the
Fireworks application folder and also in your user-specific Fireworks configuration folder. For more information, see
“Working with configuration files” on page 350.
Commands saved directly into the Commands folder, as well as those saved in the History panel, appear in the
Commands menu as soon as you save them, so restarting Fireworks is not necessary. However, commands saved in
the Command Panels folder will be available in the Window menu only after you restart Fireworks.
Flash SWF movies used as Fireworks panels
Some panels in Fireworks, such as the Align panel, are actually Flash SWF movies.
If you know JavaScript or ActionScript, you can create your own Fireworks panel by designing and coding it in Flash
and exporting it as a SWF movie. If dropped into the Command Panels folder on your hard disk, the movie will
appear as a panel in the Fireworks Window menu.
Note: The exact location of this folder varies from system to system and depends on whether you want the panel to be
available just to your user profile or to all users. Command Panels folders are located in the Configuration folder in
the Fireworks application folder and also in your user-specific Fireworks configuration folder. For more information,
see “Working with configuration files” on page 350.
For more information about using Flash SWFs as Fireworks panels, see Extending Fireworks.