User Guide
2 Select the desired options in the Spelling Setup dialog box:
• Select one or more language dictionaries.
Note: The Macromedia.tlx option is always selected at the top of the dictionary list. This is the file that contains your
custom spelling dictionary.
• Browse for a custom dictionary by clicking the folder icon beside the Personal Dictionary Path text box.
• Edit the custom dictionary by clicking the Edit Personal Dictionary button and adding, deleting, or modifying
words in the list.
• Select the types of words you want to include in the spell-check.
3 Click OK.
Using the Text Editor
In Fireworks 4 and previous versions, the Text Editor was used to create and edit text. All text-editing and
formatting options found in the Text Editor are now located in the Property inspector. However, you still have
access to the Text Editor through the Text menu.
The Text Editor is useful for working with text that might be difficult to edit onscreen, such as large text blocks, text
attached to a path, or text with hard-to-read fonts and sizes. You can choose to display such text in the system font
and default size if necessary to make editing easier.
To display the Text Editor:
1 Select a text block and select Text > Editor.
2 Modify and format the text using the options available.
3 Click OK to apply changes and close the Text Editor.
To view text in the system font:
• Deselect Show Font in the Text Editor.
To view text in the default size:
• Deselect Show Size & Color in the Text Editor.