User Guide
• Live Filters
• Blending modes
• Textures, pattern fills, web dither fills, and gradient fills
• Slice objects and image maps
• Many text-formatting options
• Guides, grids, and canvas color
• Bitmap images
• Some strokes
Working with Director
You can combine the power of Fireworks and Director. Fireworks lets you export graphics and interactive content
into Director. The export process preserves the behaviors and slices of the graphic. You can safely export sliced
images with rollovers and even layered images. This lets Director users take advantage of the optimization and
graphic design tools of Fireworks without compromising quality.
Note: The Director HTML style does not support pop-up menu code.
Placing Fireworks files in Director
Director can import flattened images from Fireworks, such as JPEG and GIF images. It can also import 32-bit PNG
images with transparency. For sliced, interactive, and animated content, Director can import Fireworks HTML.
For information on exporting flattened Fireworks images such as JPEG and GIF images, see Fireworks Help.
Exporting graphics with transparency
In Director, transparency can be achieved by importing 32-bit PNG images. You can export 32-bit PNG graphics
with transparency from Fireworks.
To export a 32-bit PNG image with transparency:
1 In Fireworks, choose Window > Optimize, change the export file format to PNG 32, and set Matte to transparent.
2 Select File > Export.
3 Select Images Only from the Save as Type pop-up menu. Name the file, then click Save.
Exporting layered and sliced content to Director
By exporting Fireworks slices to Director, you can export sliced and interactive content such as buttons and rollover
images. By exporting layers to Director, you can export layered Fireworks content such as animations.
To export Fireworks files to Director:
In Fireworks, choose File > Export.
Note: Alternatively, you can click the Quick Export button and choose Source as Layers or Source as Slices from the
Director pop-up menu. Select Source as Layers if you are exporting an animation, and Source as Slices if you are
exporting interactive content such as buttons.
2 In the Export dialog box, type a filename and choose a destination folder.