UTF-8 286
exporting graphics 13
Extension Manager 341
external editor preference 303
external files, converting to swap
image 211
Extras 5
eyedropper pointer 130, 135, 136, 140
Eyedropper tool 64, 128
Feather command 65
feathering 65
creating feathered edges 144
pixel selections 49
features, new 8
file formats
BMP 265
GIF 265
JPEG 265
PNG 265
TIFF 265
File Management button 289, 304
File Management menu 289, 304
file size
reducing quality 273
setting loss to reduce size 270
filenames, changing in a batch
process 339
files, unlocking 289, 304
Fill Color box 64
Fill Color Live Filter 182
adding texture to 146
adjusting 144
applying color fills 76
applying gradient 64, 142
applying pattern 141
applying solid 141
changing color for basic shape
tools 140
changing edges 144
drawing over strokes 139
editing gradient 142
editing solid 141
feathering or anti-aliasing 144
finding and replacing 333
moving 144
resetting default color 127
rotating 144
saving custom gradient 145
saving gradient 145
swapping stroke and fill colors 127
transforming gradient 144
transforming pattern 144
transparency illusion 132
web dither fill 132
Add Noise 83
Blur 79
Blur More 79
Brightness/Contrast 76
Find Edges 80
Gaussian Blur 79
Hue/Saturation 77
Invert 78
Motion Blur 79
Photoshop plug-ins 150
Radial Blur 80
Sharpen 81
Sharpen More 81
Unsharp Mask 82
Zoom Blur 80
Find and Replace panel 331, 332
Find Edges filter80
Find panel 28
finding and replacing 331
batch processed files 338
colors 333
fonts 332
multiple files 332
non-websafe colors 333
selecting source for search 331
text 332
URLs 333
uses 330
Fireworks 327
Fireworks. See Adobe Fireworks
Fit to Canvas 36
exporting to 305, 310
importing Adobe Fireworks PNG
to 305
Flash SWF movies345
Flatten Selection command 62
Flex integration329
flipping objects 56
floating pixel selections
creating 52
font installation 2
finding and replacing 332
handling missing 123
styles 112, 113
type sizes 112, 113
frame delay
animations 242
frame delay, default setting 17
adding 243
custom viewing 246
deleting 244
disabling layer sharing 245
exporting 279
inserting 243
managing 242
moving objects to another
frame 244
multiframe editing 246
names in animation 243
onion skinning 245
reordering 244
setting delay 242
sharing layers for animation 244
turning off onion skinning 246
turning on and off 243
viewing all 246
viewing current and adjacent 246
viewing next 246
Frames panel 27, 242
freeform paths 93
exporting to 314
placing Adobe Fireworks graphics
in 312
Full Screen with Menus mode 33
Gaussian Blur filter 79
GIF file format
choosing 265
choosing a color palette 266
swatches 128
GIF, saving 23
glow effects 150
GoLive 288, 327