User Guide
5 Select Update from the Library panel Options menu.
Note: To update all imported symbols, select all the symbols in the Library panel and select Update.
Working with URLs
Assigning a URL to a web object creates a link to a file such as a web page. You can assign URLs to hotspots, buttons,
and slice objects. When you intend to use the same URLs several times, you can create a URL library in the URL
panel and store the URLs in the library. You use the URL panel to add, edit, and organize your URLs.
For example, if your website contains several navigation buttons to return to your home page, you can add the URL
for your home page to the URL panel. Then you assign this URL to each navigation button by selecting it in the URL
library. You can use the Find and Replace feature to change a URL across multiple documents (see “Finding and
replacing” on page 330).
URL libraries are available for all Fireworks documents and are saved between sessions.
URL panel
About absolute and relative URLs
When you enter a URL in the URL panel, you can enter an absolute or relative URL:
• If you are linking to a web page that is beyond your own website, you must use an absolute URL.
• If you are linking to a web page within your website, you can use an absolute URL or a relative URL.
Absolute URLs are complete URLs that include the server protocol, which is usually http:// for web pages. For
example, http://www.adobe.com/support/fireworks is the absolute URL for the Fireworks Support web page.
Absolute URLs remain accurate regardless of the location of the source document, but they do not link correctly if
the target document is moved.
Relative URLs are relative to the folder containing the source document. These examples show the navigation syntax
of relative URLs:
• file.htm links to a file located in the same folder as the source document.
• ../../file.htm links to a file located in the folder two levels above the folder containing the source document. Each
../ represents one level.
• htmldocs/file.htm links to a file located in a folder named htmldocs, which is in the folder containing the source