User Guide
When you create a Fireworks image from a Dreamweaver image placeholder, a new Fireworks document is created
with a canvas of the same dimensions as the selected placeholder. Inside Fireworks, you can use any Fireworks tools
to create your graphic. You can even slice your document and add interactivity using buttons, rollovers, and other
Note: All behaviors applied within Fireworks are preserved upon export back to Dreamweaver. Likewise, most Dream-
weaver behaviors applied to image placeholders are also preserved during launch-and-edit with Fireworks. There is one
exception, however: disjoint rollovers applied to image placeholders in Dreamweaver are not preserved when opened and
edited in Fireworks.
Once the Fireworks session has ended and you’ve returned to Dreamweaver, the new Fireworks graphic you created
takes the place of the image placeholder originally selected.
To create a Fireworks image from an image placeholder in Dreamweaver:
1 In Dreamweaver, save the desired HTML document to a location inside your Dreamweaver site folder.
2 Position the insertion point in the desired position in your document, and do one of the following:
• Select Insert > Image Objects > Image Placeholder.
• Click the Images: Image pop-up menu in the Common category of the Insert bar and choose Image Placeholder.
The Image Placeholder dialog box appears.
3 Enter the name, dimensions, color, and alternate text for the image placeholder, and click OK.
An image placeholder is inserted into the Dreamweaver document.
4 Do one of the following:
• Select the image placeholder and click Create in the Property inspector.
• Control-double-click (Windows) or Command-double-click (Macintosh) the image placeholder.
• Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) and choose Create Image in Fireworks.