User Guide
Copying code from an exported Fireworks file and pasting it into Dreamweaver
You can open an exported Fireworks HTML file in Dreamweaver and then manually copy and paste only the desired
sections into another Dreamweaver document.
Note: Before exporting from Fireworks, make sure to choose Dreamweaver as the HTML type in the HTML Setup dialog
box. For more information, see Fireworks Help.
To copy code from an exported Fireworks file and paste it into Dreamweaver:
❖ Export a Fireworks HTML file, and then copy and paste the code into an existing Dreamweaver document. For
more information, see Fireworks Help.
Updating Fireworks HTML exported to Dreamweaver
The Update HTML command in Fireworks allows you to make changes to an HTML document you’ve previously
exported to Dreamweaver.
Note: While Update HTML is a useful feature for updating HTML you’ve previously exported to Dreamweaver,
Roundtrip HTML provides even more benefits. For more information, see “Editing Fireworks files from Dreamweaver”
on page 297.
With the Update HTML command, you can edit a source PNG image in Fireworks and then automatically update
any exported HTML code and image files placed in a Dreamweaver document. This command lets you update
Dreamweaver files even when Dreamweaver is not running.
Note: Before updating HTML, make sure to choose Dreamweaver as the HTML type in the HTML Setup dialog box.
For more information, see Fireworks Help.
To update Fireworks HTML placed in Dreamweaver:
1 Make changes to the desired PNG document in Fireworks.
2 Select File > Update HTML, or click the Quick Export button and choose Update HTML from the Dreamweaver
pop-up menu.
3 Navigate to the Dreamweaver file containing the HTML you want to update, and click Open.
4 Navigate to the folder destination where you want to place the updated image files, and click Open.
Fireworks updates the HTML and JavaScript code in the Dreamweaver document. Fireworks also exports updated
images associated with the HTML and places the images in the specified destination folder.
If Fireworks cannot find matching HTML code to update, it gives you the option of inserting new HTML code into
the Dreamweaver document. Fireworks places the JavaScript section of the new code at the beginning of the
document and places the HTML table or link to the image at the end.
Exporting Fireworks files to Dreamweaver libraries
Dreamweaver library items simplify the process of editing and updating frequently used website components, such
as company logos or other graphics that appear on every page of a site. A library item is a portion of an HTML file
located in a folder named Library in your site root folder. Library items appear as a category in the Dreamweaver
Assets panel. You can drag a library item (a file with the extension.lbi) from the Assets panel to any page in your
website to insert the library item into your Dreamweaver file.
You cannot edit a library item directly in the Dreamweaver document; you can edit only the master library item.
Then, you can have Dreamweaver update every copy of that item as it is placed throughout your website. Dream-
weaver library items are much like Fireworks symbols; changes to the master library (LBI) document are reflected in
all library instances across your site.