User Guide
Inserting a new bitmap by cutting or copying
You can insert a new bitmap based on a pixel selection into the current layer of a document by cutting or copying
the selected pixels.
To insert a new bitmap by cutting and pasting a pixel selection:
Select an area of pixels using a pixel selection tool.
2 Select Edit > Insert > Bitmap via Cut.
A new bitmap object based on the pixel selection is created in the current layer, and the selected pixels are removed
from the original bitmap object. In the Layers panel, a thumbnail of the new bitmap appears in the current layer,
above the object from which it was cut.
To insert a new bitmap by copying and pasting a pixel selection:
1 Select an area of pixels using a pixel selection tool.
2 Select Edit > Insert > Bitmap via Copy.
A new bitmap object based on the pixel selection is created in the current layer, and the selected pixels remain in the
original bitmap object. In the Layers panel, a thumbnail of the new bitmap appears in the current layer, above the
object from which it was copied.
Editing selected objects
Fireworks gives you a number of ways to edit selected objects: you can move objects on the canvas or from appli-
cation to application, you can replicate objects with the Clone and Duplicate commands, or you can remove objects
from the workspace altogether.
To move a selection, do one of the following:
• Drag it with the Pointer, Subselection, or Select Behind tool.
• Press any arrow key to move the selection in 1-pixel increments.
• Hold down Shift while pressing any arrow key to move the selection in 10-pixel increments.
• In the Property inspector, enter the X and Y coordinates for the location of the top left corner of the selection.
• Enter the object’s x and y coordinates in the Info panel. If the X and Y boxes aren’t visible, drag the bottom edge
of the panel.
To move or copy selected objects by pasting:
Select an object or multiple objects.
2 Select Edit > Cut or Edit > Copy.
3 Select Edit > Paste.
To duplicate one or more selected objects:
❖ Select Edit > Duplicate.
As you repeat the command, duplicates of the selected object appear in a cascading arrangement from the original,
10 pixels lower and 10 pixels to the right of the previous duplicate. The most recently duplicated object becomes the
selected object.