Hexadecimal 130
HSB 130
RGB 130
Color Palette panel 133
color palettes
Adaptive 266
appending to current swatches 128
Black and White 266
Custom 266
editing 269
Exact 266
Grayscale 266
importing 266
locking colors 269
optimizing 269
saving 270
setting number of colors 266
System (Macintosh) 266
System (Windows) 266
Uniform 266
viewing 268
Web 216 266
WebSnap Adaptive 266
color palettes, swapping 134
color picker, system 131
color table 268
edited swatch in 268
locked swatch in 268
selecting colors in 268
swatch with multiple attributes
in 268
transparent swatch in 268
updating 268
websafe swatch in 268
colorizing images 77
command scripts, editing 344
batch processing 339
creating 342
deleting custom 344
editing 344
renaming custom 344
renaming or deleting Adobe
Fireworks commands 344
saving 40
Commands menu 343
managing saved commands 344
composite paths 104
compositing 179
adjusting 270
and optimization 261
blurring edges 274
choosing a file type 265
selective 273
configuration files 350
customizing for all users 351
for all users 351
location of 351
master 350, 351
configuring Adobe Fireworks 346
Connector Line tool 87
Constrain Proportions option 17
constraining rotation 56
context menus 37
Contract command 49
contracting paths 106
contrast 76
Convert to Symbol dialog box 186
converting paths 104
all selected objects on a layer 161
bitmaps 53
frames 243
HTML 283
object attributes 186
objects 53
pixels 44
copying and pasting
Adobe Fireworks HTML 283
symbol instances 195
copying and pasting objects from
other applications 19
corner points 94
Create Symbol Script panel 28
master pages 157
rich graphic symbols 190
slideshows 250
Crop command 105
canvas 37
documents 37
CSS layers, exporting 285
curve points 95
curve segments, editing 96
custom shortcut sets. See keyboard
cutting paths 103
bitmap areas 66
images 68
default preferences 348
Delete Objects While Cropping
preference 347
Delete Paths When Converting to
Marquee preference 347
frames 244
layers 160
Live Filters 152
masks 178
pages 156
points 99
points on curves 75
selected objects 54
styles 185
swatches 129
Deselect command 47
deselecting all objects 43
Design Center 6
Design Notes for Dreamweaver and
Adobe Fireworks
integration 303
cast members 319
exporting to 317
placing Adobe Fireworks files
in 317
disjoint rollovers 208
applying to a slice 208
attaching to hotspots 218
creating 208
display modes, switching 34
Distort tool 57
distorting objects 57
dithering 267
with websafe colors 132
docking panels 28
in panel group 29
document tabs 31
creating new 15
default mode 84
multiple views 33
opening 16