User Guide
To change a GIF’s compression:
❖ Enter a Loss setting in the Optimize panel.
Making areas transparent
You can set transparent areas for GIFs and 8-bit PNGs so that in a web browser the background of the web page is
visible through those areas. In Fireworks, a gray-and-white checkerboard on document previews denotes trans-
parent areas.
Optimized image preview in Fireworks; image exported with transparency and placed on a web page with a colored background
Note: 32-bit PNGs automatically contain transparency, though you won’t see a transparency option for 32-bit PNGs in
the Optimize panel.
You should use index transparency when exporting GIF images that contain transparent areas. With index trans-
parency, you set specific colors to be transparent upon export. Index transparency turns on or turns off pixels with
specific color values. Because GIFs support index transparency, it is the most common form of transparency used
on the web.
Note: GIF images are exported without transparency by default in Fireworks. Even if the canvas behind an image or
object appears transparent in Original view in Fireworks, this does not mean that the background for that image will be
transparent when you export it as a GIF for use on the web. You must select Index Transparency before export.
You can also use alpha transparency, although it is not often used with web graphics because only PNGs support it
and most web browsers do not support PNG format. Alpha transparency is often used in exported graphics that
contain gradient transparency and semi-opaque pixels. Alpha transparency is also useful for exporting files to Flash
or Adobe Director, because both applications support this type of transparency.
Note: Setting colors to transparent affects only the exported version of the image, not the actual image. You can see what
the exported image will look like in a preview. For information about the document preview buttons, see “Previewing
and comparing optimization settings” on page 263.
To select a color for transparency:
1 Click the Preview, 2-Up, or 4-Up button at the upper left of the Document window. In 2-Up or 4-Up view, click a
view other than the original.
2 In the Optimize panel, select Index Transparency from the Transparency pop-up menu at the bottom of the panel.
The canvas color is made transparent in the preview.
3 To select a different color, click the Select Transparency Color button.
The pointer changes to an eyedropper.
4 Do one of the following to select the color to make transparent:
• Click a color swatch in the Optimize panel color table.