Red-eye Removal 66, 69
Replace Color 66, 69, 70
Rubber Stamp 66
Scale 55
Sharpen 66
Skew 56
Smudge 66
Subselection 100, 173
Text 109
tool group pop-up menus 26
Transform 54
Zoom 32
Tools panel 25
transformation tools
Distort 57
Scale 55
Skew 56
by dragging 54
gradient fills 144
numerically 57
objects 54
pattern fills 144
text 122
transparency 181, 271
adding or removing colors 272
animation 247
converting images to gradient
transparency 81
illusion 132
in PNG files 311
selecting a color 271, 272
See also opacity
transparent areas 271
trimming the canvas 36
tryouts 7
Turn off Hide Edges preference 347
Tween Instances command 246
characteristics 246
defined 246
objects 246
typefaces. See fonts
underlined text 112
undocking panels from panel
group 28
undoing 40
setting number of undo steps 346
using History panel 343
ungrouping objects 58
uninstalling Adobe Fireworks 352
Union command 104
Unsharp Mask filter 82
Up button state 221
Update HTML command 285, 296
updates 7
updating slices 278
URL library 196
adding URLs 197
adding used URLs 198
creating 197
entering absolute or relative
URLs 196
URL panel 27, 196
assigning to a web object 198
assigning to buttons or
instances 226
finding and replacing 333
selecting target options 212
user configuration files 350, 351
user folder 350, 351
UTF-8 encoding 286, 350
valid files, defined 335
vector graphics 14
vector masks 164
converting to bitmap mask 177
creating 166
using an existing object as 167, 169
vector mode 12
drawing in 84
switching to 61
vector objects, reshaping 100
Video Workshop 4
view modes 33
viewing rich graphic symbols 190
WAP graphics 17
See also WBMP files
WBMP files 17
exporting to 265
opening from Adobe Fireworks 17
saving 23
Web Layer 163
web safe colors 133
websafe colors 270
When Editing From External
Application preference 348
When Optimizing From External
Application preference 348
Windows system colors as a swatch
group 128
work environment 24
workflow in Adobe Fireworks 12
Zoom Blur filter 80
Zoom tool 32
zooming 31
into a specific area 32
using preset increments 32