User Guide
Styles panel
When you apply a style to an object, you can later update the style without affecting the original object. Fireworks
does not keep track of which style you applied to an object. If you delete a custom style, you cannot recover it;
however, any object currently using the style retains its attributes. If you delete a style supplied in Fireworks, you can
recover it and all other deleted styles using the Reset Styles command in the Styles panel Options menu. However,
resetting styles also deletes your custom styles.
To apply a style to a selected object or text block:
1 Select Window > Styles to open the Styles panel.
2 Click a style in the Styles panel.
Creating and deleting styles
You can create a style based on the attributes of a selected object. The style is displayed in the Styles panel.
You can also delete styles from the Styles panel.
The following attributes can be saved in a style:
• Fill type and color, including patterns, textures, and vector gradient attributes such as angle, position, and opacity
• Stroke type and color
• Filters
• Text attributes such as font, point size, style (bold, italic, or underline), alignment, anti-aliasing, auto-kerning,
horizontal scale, range kerning, and leading
To create a new style:
1 Create or select a vector object or text with the stroke, fill, filter, or text attributes you want.
2 Click the New Style button at the bottom of the Styles panel.
3 Select the attributes you want to be part of the style from the New Style dialog box.
Note: To save other text attributes not listed, such as alignment, anti-aliasing, auto-kerning, horizontal scale, range
kerning, and leading, select the Text Other option.