User Guide
Photoshop text
You can open or import a Photoshop file containing text. You can also copy text from a Photoshop file and paste into
the current Fireworks document or drag it from the Photoshop file to the current document. For more information,
see “Opening graphics created in other applications” on page 16.
RTF files
When importing RTF text, Fireworks maintains these attributes:
• Font, size, and style (bold, italic, underline)
• Alignment (left, right, center, justified)
• Leading
• Baseline shift
• Range kerning
• Horizontal scale
• Color of the first character
All other RTF information is ignored.
In Fireworks, you cannot import RTF text by copying and pasting or dragging and dropping.
ASCII text
You can import ASCII text using any of the import methods. Imported ASCII text is set to the current default font,
12 pixels high, and to the current fill color.
Handling missing fonts
If you open a document in Fireworks that contains fonts not installed on your computer, Fireworks asks if you want
to replace the fonts or maintain their appearance. This is useful if you share files with users on other computers that
may not have the same fonts installed.
Choosing Maintain Appearance replaces the text with a bitmap image that represents the appearance of the text in
its original font. You can still edit the text, but when you do so, Fireworks replaces the bitmap image with a font that’s
installed on your system. This can cause the appearance of the text to change.
You can select fonts to replace the missing fonts. After you replace fonts, the document opens and you can edit and
save the text. When the document is reopened on a computer that contains the original fonts, Fireworks remembers
and uses the original fonts.
To select a replacement font:
Open a document with missing fonts.
The Missing Fonts dialog box opens.
2 Select a missing font from the Change Missing Font list.
3 Do one of the following:
• Select a replacement font from the To list.
• Select to display the text in the default system font.
• To leave the missing font as is, click No Change.