Chapter 8: Using Live Filters
Fireworks CS3 Live Filters (formerly known as Live Effects) are enhancements that you can apply to vector objects,
bitmap images, and text. Live Filters include bevels and embossing, solid shadows, drop shadows and glows, color
correction, and blurring and sharpening. You can apply Live Filters to selected objects directly from the Property
Fireworks automatically updates Live Filters when you edit objects that have them applied. After you apply a Live
Filter, you can change its options anytime, or rearrange the order of filters to experiment with a combined filter. You
can turn Live Filters on and off or delete them in the Property inspector. When you remove a filter, the object or
image returns to its previous appearance.
Some filters now listed among Fireworks Live Filters—such as Auto Levels, Gaussian Blur, and Unsharp Mask—were
once available only as irreversible plug-ins or filters. In addition to these, you can add third-party plug-ins to be used
in Fireworks as Live Filters. If you prefer, you can use these filters in the traditional manner using the Filters menu.
For more information, see “Adjusting bitmap color and tone” on page 71.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “Applying Live Filters” on page 147
• “Editing Live Filters” on page 152
Applying Live Filters
You can apply one or more Live Filters to selected objects using the Property inspector. Each time you add a new Live
Filter to the object, it is added to the list in the Add Filters pop-up menu in the Property inspector. You can turn each
Live Filter on or off.
Filters pop-up menu in the Property inspector
When you select objects eligible for Live Filters, the location of the Live Filters options differs slightly depending on
whether the Property inspector is at full height or half height:
• When the Property inspector is maximized to full height, use the Add Live Filters button, the Delete Live Filters
button, and the list of applied Live Filters displayed in the Property inspector.
• When the Property inspector is at half height, click Edit Filters to display the Add Live Filters button, the Delete
Live Filters button, and the list of applied Live Filters.