User Guide
Working with Dreamweaver
Unique integration features make it easy to work on files interchangeably in Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Dream-
weaver and Fireworks recognize and share many of the same file edits, including changes to links, image maps, table
slices, and more. Together, the two applications provide a streamlined workflow for editing, optimizing, and placing
web graphics files in HTML pages.
If you want to modify Fireworks images and tables placed in a Dreamweaver document, you can start Fireworks from
the Property inspector in Dreamweaver to make edits and then return to the updated document in Dreamweaver. If
you want to make quick optimization edits to images and animations, you can open the Fireworks Export Preview
dialog box from the Dreamweaver Property inspector and enter updated settings. In either case, updates are made
to the placed files in Dreamweaver, as well as to the source Fireworks files, if those source files were opened.
To further streamline the web design workflow, you can create image placeholders in Dreamweaver for future
Fireworks images. You can later select those placeholders and start Fireworks to create desired graphics in the dimen-
sions specified by the Dreamweaver placeholder images. Once in Fireworks, you can change the image dimensions
if desired.
Placing Fireworks images in Dreamweaver files
There are several ways to place Fireworks graphics into a Dreamweaver document. You can place a finished
Fireworks graphic using the Files panel or the Insert menu in Dreamweaver, or you can create a new Fireworks
document from a Dreamweaver image placeholder.
You can insert any graphic file format supported by Fireworks and Dreamweaver directly into a Dreamweaver
document using the Dreamweaver Files panel or Insert menu. You must export the images from Fireworks first. For
more information on exporting images, see Fireworks Help.
To insert a Fireworks image into a Dreamweaver document using the Files panel:
1 Export your image from Fireworks to the local site folder as defined in Dreamweaver.
2 Open the Dreamweaver document and make sure you are in Design view.
3 Drag the image from the Files panel into the Dreamweaver document.
To insert a Fireworks image into a Dreamweaver document using the Insert menu:
1 Place the insertion point where you want the image to appear in the Dreamweaver Document window.
2 Do one of the following:
• Select Insert > Image.
• Click the Images: Image button in the Common category of the Insert bar.
3 Navigate to the image you exported from Fireworks, and click Open.
If the image file is not in the current Dreamweaver site, a message appears asking whether you want to copy the file
to the site folder.
Creating new Fireworks files from Dreamweaver placeholders
Image placeholders combine the power of Fireworks and Dreamweaver by allowing you to experiment with various
web page layouts before creating the final artwork for your page. Image placeholders allow you to specify the size and
position of future Fireworks images to be placed in Dreamweaver.