Chapter 7: Applying Color, Strokes,
and Fills
Fireworks CS3 has a wide range of panels, tools, and options for organizing and selecting colors, and applying colors
to bitmap images and vector objects.
In the Swatches panel, you can select a preset swatch group such as Color Cubes, Continuous Tone, or Grayscale, or
you can create custom swatch groups that include your favorite colors or colors approved by your client. In the Color
Mixer, you can select a color model such as Hexadecimal, RGB, or Grayscale, and then select stroke and fill colors
directly from the color bar or by entering specific color values.
Throughout the Fireworks workspace you will find color boxes that show the current color choices for options and
object characteristics. When you click a color box, you see a color pop-up window from which you can select a color
for the color box. Move the pointer away from an open color pop-up window, and you can click any color on your
screen to apply it to the color box.
The Colors section of the Tools panel contains stroke and fill color controls and other color options. The Bitmap
section contains the Paint Bucket, Gradient Fill, and Eyedropper tools, which you can use to apply color to bitmap
selections, areas of similar color, and vector objects. For information on these bitmap tools, see “Working with
Bitmaps” on page 61.
Note: For information about color correction using Live Filters and filters, see “Adjusting bitmap color and tone” on
page 71.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “Using the Colors section of the Tools panel” on page 126
• “Organizing swatch groups and color models” on page 127
• “Using color boxes and color pop-up windows” on page 135
• “Working with strokes” on page 136
• “Working with fills” on page 140
• “Applying gradient and pattern fills” on page 141
• “Adding texture to strokes and fills” on page 145
Using the Colors section of the Tools panel
The Colors section of the Tools panel contains controls for activating the Stroke Color and Fill Color boxes, which
in turn determine whether the strokes or fills of selected objects are affected by color choices. Also, the Colors section
has controls for quickly resetting colors to the default, setting the stroke and fill color settings to None, and swapping
fill and stroke colors.
To make the Stroke Color or Fill Color box active:
❖ In the Tools panel, click the icon next to the Stroke Color or Fill Color box. The active color box area appears as a
depressed button in the Tools panel.