User Guide
2 Type a filename and select a destination folder.
3 In the Export pop-up menu, select one of the following:
Frames to Files exports frames as multiple files.
Layers to Files exports layers as multiple files.
Note: This exports all layers on the current frame.
4 Select Trim Images to automatically crop the exported images to fit the objects on each frame.
If you want to export frames or layers the same size as the document, deselect Trim Images.
5 Click Export.
Exporting an area
You can use the Export Area tool to export a portion of a Fireworks document.
To export a portion of a document:
1 Select the Export Area tool from the Tools panel.
2 Drag a marquee defining the portion of the document to export.
Note: You can adjust the position of the marquee as you drag. While holding down the mouse button, press and hold
down the Spacebar, then drag the marquee to another location on the canvas. Release the Spacebar to continue drawing
the marquee.
When you release the mouse button, the export area remains selected.
3 Resize the export area if necessary:
• Shift-drag a handle to resize the export area marquee proportionally.
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) a handle to resize the marquee from the center.
• Alt-Shift-drag (Windows) or Option-Shift-drag (Macintosh) a handle to constrain the proportions and resize
from the center.
4 Double-click inside the export area marquee to go to Image Preview.
5 Adjust settings in the Image Preview, and click Export.
6 In the Export dialog box, type a filename and select a destination folder.
7 In the Export pop-up menu, select Images Only.
8 Click Export.
Note: To cancel without exporting, double-click outside the export area marquee, press Escape, or select another tool.
Exporting HTML
Unless you specify otherwise, when you export a sliced Fireworks document, what you’re actually exporting is an
HTML file and its images.
Fireworks generates pure HTML that can be read by most web browsers and HTML editors. There are a variety of
ways to export Fireworks HTML:
• Export an HTML file, which you can later open for editing in an HTML editor.