User Guide
Accessing photo editing tools
To make it easy for you to get started editing photos as quickly as possible, Fireworks has assembled the most
commonly used tools for photo editing all in one place. The Image Editing panel contains the following tools: Red-
eye Removal, Crop, Rotate, Blur, Sharpen, Dodge, and Burn.
The Image Editing panel also contains:
• Transform Tools: Scale, Skew, Distort, Free Rotate
• Transform Commands: Numeric Transform, Rotate options, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Remove Transforma-
• Adjust Color: Auto Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Curves, Hue/Saturation, Invert, Levels, Convert to Grayscale,
Convert to Sepia Tone
• Filters: Blur, Blur More, Sharpen, Sharpen More, Unsharp Mask, Add Noise, Convert to Alpha, Find Edges
• View Options: Show/Hide Rulers, Show/Hide Grid, Snap/Don’t Snap to Grid, Edit Grid, Show/Hide Guides,
Snap/Don’t Snap to Guides, Lock/Unlock Guides, Edit Guides
The tools contained in the Image Editing panel are the same tools you’ll find in other places in Fireworks (such as in
the toolbox and on the Modify > Transform menu). The Image Editing panel, which you can open by selecting
Window > Image Editing, simply presents some of the most commonly used tools all in one panel for your conve-
For detailed information on how to use these tools and options, please see “Retouching bitmaps” on page 66,
“Adjusting bitmap color and tone” on page 71, “Blurring and sharpening bitmaps” on page 79, and “Adding noise to
an image” on page 83.
Drawing, painting, and editing bitmap objects
The Bitmap section of the Tools panel contains tools for selecting, drawing, painting, and editing pixels in a bitmap
Drawing bitmap objects
You can use the Pencil tool to draw 1-pixel lines, either freehand lines or constrained, straight lines, much as you
use a real pencil, with or without a ruler, to draw hard-edged lines. You can also zoom in on a bitmap and use the
Pencil tool to edit individual pixels.
To draw an object with the Pencil tool:
Select the Pencil tool.
2 Set tool options in the Property inspector:
Anti-aliased smoothes the edges of the lines you draw.
Auto Erase uses the fill color when the Pencil tool is clicked over the stroke color.
Preserve Transparency restricts the Pencil tool to drawing only in existing pixels, not in transparent areas of a
3 Drag to draw. Shift-drag to constrain the path to a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.