
User Guide
Nearest Neighbor interpolation results in jagged edges and sharp contrasts with no blurring. The effect is similar
to zooming in or out on an image with the Zoom tool.
Faster but less accurate resampling is deselected by default. It allows you to control the speed of resampling within
Launch options The Show start page option controls whether the Fireworks startup page displays when you open
the application. If this option is deselected, the application opens directly into the workspace.
Saving files: Add Preview Icons (Macintosh only) allows you to display or hide thumbnails of Fireworks PNG files on
your hard disk. Deselecting this option displays the traditional Fireworks icon used for Fireworks PNG files. This
option takes effect after you save the file.
Editing preferences
The editing preferences control pointer appearance and visual cues for working with bitmap objects.
Delete objects when cropping permanently deletes pixels or objects that are outside the bounding box of a selection
when you select Edit > Crop Document or Modify > Canvas > Canvas Size.
Delete paths when converting to marquee permanently deletes the path after it has been converted to a marquee
Brush-size painting cursors sets the size and shape of the Brush, Eraser, Blur, Sharpen, Dodge, Burn, and Smudge
tool pointers to accurately reflect what you are about to draw or erase. For certain large multi-tipped brushes, the
cross-hair pointer is used by default. When this option and Precise Cursors are turned off, tool icon pointers are
Precise cursors replaces tool icon pointers with the cross-hair pointer.
Turn off “hide edges” automatically disables Hide Edges when the selection changes.
Show pen preview provides a preview of the next path segment that will be created if you click at that moment with
the Pen tool.
Show solid points shows selected points as hollow and deselected points as solid.
Mouse highlight Highlights what you would select if you were to click on the object that is currently beneath the
Preview drag Shows a preview of the new object location when dragging.
Show fill handles Allows the onscreen editing of fills.
Pick distance lets you specify how close to an object the pointer must be before you can select it. Pick Distance can
be between 1 and 10 pixels.
Snap distance lets you specify how close the object you are moving must be before it snaps to a grid or guide line.
Snap Distance works when Snap to Grid or Snap to Guides is turned on. Snap Distance can be between 1 and 10
Launch and Edit preferences
By setting launch-and-edit preferences, you can control how external applications, such as Adobe Flash and Adobe
Director launch and edit graphics in Fireworks.
In most cases, Fireworks attempts to locate the source PNG for a graphic on its own. When it can’t locate the source
PNG, Fireworks uses the launch-and-edit preferences that you set to determine how it will handle locating the source
PNG file.