User Guide
Original photograph; after using the Red-eye Removal tool
To correct the red-eye effect in a photograph:
1 Select the Red-eye Removal tool from its pop-up menu.
2 Set the attributes in the Property inspector:
Tole ran ce determines the range of hues to replace (0 replaces only red; 100 replaces all hues that contain red).
Strength sets the darkness of the grays used to replace reddish colors.
3 Click and drag the cross-hair pointer over the red pupils in the photograph.
Replacing colors
The Replace Color tool lets you select a color and paint over that color with a different color.
Original photograph; after using the Replace Color tool
Fireworks provides two different ways to replace one color with another. You can replace a color that you’ve specified
in the color swatch, or you can replace a color by using the Replace Color tool directly on the image.
To replace one color with another using the color swatch:
Select the Replace Color tool from its pop-up menu.
2 In the From box in the Property inspector, click Swatch.