
User Guide
Removing a selection marquee
You can remove a selection marquee without affecting the document.
To remove a marquee, do one of the following:
Draw another marquee.
Click outside the current selection with a marquee or lasso tool.
Press Escape.
Choose Select > Deselect.
Adjusting selection marquees
After selecting pixels with a marquee or lasso tool, you can edit or move the marquee border without affecting the
pixels beneath it. You can manually add pixels to or delete pixels from a marquee border using modifier keys.
In addition, you can expand or contract the marquee border by a specified amount, select an additional area of pixels
around the existing marquee, or smooth the border of the marquee.
Moving or adjusting a marquee
You can move a marquee to place it over a different area of pixels or reposition a marquee as you draw it by pressing
the Spacebar while drawing.
To move the marquee, do one of the following:
Drag the marquee with a marquee or lasso tool or the Magic Wand tool.
Use the arrow keys to nudge the marquee in 1-pixel increments.
Press Shift and use the arrow keys to move the marquee in 10-pixel increments.
To reposition a selection with the Spacebar:
1 Begin dragging to draw the selection.
2 Without releasing the mouse button, hold down the Spacebar.
3 Drag the marquee to another location on the canvas.
4 While still holding down the mouse button, release the Spacebar.
5 Continue dragging to draw the selection.
Adding or subtracting pixels
After drawing a selection marquee with any bitmap selection tool, you can add to the selection with the same tool
or another bitmap selection tool.
To add to an existing pixel selection:
Select any bitmap selection tool.
2 Hold down Shift and draw additional selection marquees.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 with any bitmap selection tool to continue adding to the selection.
Overlapping marquees join to form a contiguous marquee.