User Guide
A bitmap mask applied using its alpha channel
Both vector and bitmap masks can be applied using their grayscale appearance. Bitmap masks are applied using their
grayscale appearance by default. When a mask is applied using its grayscale appearance, the lightness of its pixels
determines how much of the masked object is displayed. Light pixels display the masked object. Darker pixels in the
mask knock out the image and show the background. Applying masks using their grayscale appearance creates inter-
esting effects if the mask object contains a pattern or gradient fill.
A vector mask with a pattern fill applied using its grayscale appearance
You can also convert vector masks into bitmap masks. Bitmap masks cannot be converted into vector masks,
For more information about vector and bitmap masks, see “About masks” on page 164.
To apply a vector mask using its path outline:
❖ Select Path Outline in the Property inspector when a vector mask is selected.
To show a vector mask’s fill and stroke:
❖ Select Show Fill and Stroke in the Property inspector when a vector mask that has been applied using its path
outline is selected.
To apply a bitmap mask using its alpha channel:
❖ Select Alpha Channel in the Property inspector when a bitmap mask is selected.
To apply a vector or bitmap mask using its grayscale appearance:
❖ Select Grayscale Appearance in the Property inspector when a mask is selected.
To convert a vector mask to a bitmap mask:
1 In the Layers panel, select the thumbnail of the mask object.