
switching to 61
adjusting brightness and
contrast 76
adjusting color and tone 71
adjusting hue and saturation 77
blurring and sharpening 79
erasing 65
retouching 66
applying 181
colors of overlapping objects 179
objects 246
setting blending mode 181
blending colors 135
blending modes 179
Color 180
Darken 179
Difference 180
Erase 180
Hard Mix 180
Hue 180
Invert 180
Lighten 179
Linear Burn 179
Linear Dodge 179
Linear Light 179
Luminosity 180
Multiply 179
Pin Light 180
Saturation 180
Screen 179
Tint 180
Vivid Light 179
Blur filter 79
Blur More filter 79
Blur tool 66
blurring 79
bitmap areas 66
images 67
BMP file format 265
BMP, saving 23
bold text 112
Border command 50
boundaries 136
Bridge Home 6
Bridge, Adobe 328
brightness 76
Brightness/Contrast filter 76
Bring Forward command 59
Bring to Front command 59
Brush tool 64, 93
saving settings 140
setting tip 139
stroke options 138
Brush-size Painting Cursors
preference 347
Burn tool 66
Button Editor 221
creating symbols in 187
editing symbols in 193
button states
Down 221, 222
Over 221
Over While Down 221, 222
Up 221
button symbols
editing 224
inserting in a document 223
active area 226
Button Editor 220
creating 220
defined 221
Live Filters 222
navigation bars 228
overview 220
setting a target 227
canvas 34
modifying characteristics 34
modifying resolution 35
rotating 36
trimming 36
cell border properties234
cellular phone graphics. See WBMP
center point and axis of rotation 56
Chamfer Rectangle tool 87
character spacing. See kerning
Check Spelling command 124
bitmap areas 66
images 66
objects 54
CMY color model 130
collapsing layers 161
adjusting 71
applying from Swatches panel 127
changing 64
changing stroke 137
choosing color depth 266
choosing swatch group 128
choosing using Eyedropper
tool 136
color models 130
creating in Color Mixer 131
creating with system color
picker 131
deleting from Swatches panel 129
dithering with websafe 132
fills 76
finding and replacing 333
finding and replacing non-
websafe 333
gradient fills 142
inverting values 78
picking from color bar 130
pop-up window 135
removing unused 267
replacing a swatch 129
resetting default 127
sampling 64, 136
saving custom swatches 129
setting preferences 346
viewing color values 131
color bar 127, 129
choosing a color with 130
cycling through color models 131
color blending 135
color correction
brightness and contrast 76
Curves 74
Levels 72
using eyedropper 75
Color Mixer 28, 129, 130
creating colors with131
displaying 130
mixing colors in 130
resetting default colors in 127
swapping stroke and fill colors
in 127
color models
CMY 130
Grayscale 130