User Guide
Changing swatch groups
You can easily switch to another swatch group or create your own. The Swatches panel Options menu contains the
following swatch groups: Color Cubes, Continuous Tone, Macintosh System, Windows System, and Grayscale. You
can import custom swatches from color palette files saved as ACT or GIF files.
To select a swatch group:
❖ Select a swatch group from the Swatches panel Options menu.
Note: Selecting Color Cubes returns you to the default swatch group.
To select a custom swatch group:
1 Select Replace Swatches from the Swatches panel Options menu.
2 Navigate to the folder and select a swatch file.
3 Click Open.
The color swatches in the swatch file replace the previous swatches.
Note: For information on creating a custom swatch group, see “Customizing the Swatches panel” on page 128 and
“Saving palettes” on page 270.
To add swatches from an external color palette to the current swatches:
Select Add Swatches from the Swatches panel Options menu.
2 Navigate to the desired folder and select a color palette file.
Note: Fireworks can add new swatches from palettes exported as ACT or GIF files.
3 Click OK.
Fireworks adds the new swatches at the end of the current swatches.
Customizing the Swatches panel
You can add, delete, replace, and sort color swatches or entire swatch groups using the Swatches panel.
Note: Selecting Edit > Undo does not undo swatch additions or deletions.
Swatches panel
To add a color to the Swatches panel:
1 Select the Eyedropper tool from the Tools panel.
2 Select the number of pixels to sample from the Sample pop-up menu in the Property inspector: 1 pixel, 3x3
Average, or 5x5 Average.
3 Click anywhere inside any open Fireworks Document window to sample a color.