User Guide
• Adjusting the colors in the graphic (for 8-bit file formats only). You can limit colors by confining the image to a
specific set of colors called a color palette. Then you trim unused colors from the color palette. Fewer colors in the
palette means fewer colors in the image, which results in a smaller file size for paletted image file types.
You should experiment with all optimization controls to find the best balance of quality and size.
Using the Export Wizard
You can use the Export Wizard if you are new to optimizing and exporting web graphics. Using the Export Wizard,
you can easily export graphics without understanding the details of optimizing and exporting.
The Export Wizard takes you step by step through the optimization and export process. Answer questions about the
file destination and intended use, and the Export Wizard suggests file type and optimization settings.
If you prefer to optimize to a target file size, the Export Wizard optimizes the exported file to fit within the size
constraint you set.
Once you are more comfortable with optimizing and exporting, you’ll want to use the Optimize panel and the
preview buttons in the Document window to optimize graphics. They are more convenient than the Export Wizard
and offer more optimization control for users who are familiar with the optimization process. After you optimize
graphics in this manner, you must perform an additional step to export (or in some cases, save) the graphics. For
more information on exporting, see “Optimizing in the workspace” on page 261 or “Exporting from Fireworks” on
page 276. For more information on saving, see “Saving documents in other formats” on page 23.
To export a document using the Export Wizard:
1 Select File > Export Wizard.
2 Answer any questions that appear and click Continue in each panel.
Fireworks makes recommendations about file formats.
Select Target Export File Size in the first panel to optimize to a maximum file size.
3 Click Exit in the Analysis Results window of the wizard.
The Image Preview opens with recommended export options. For more information, see “Using Image Preview” on
page 258.
Using Image Preview
When accessed through the Export Wizard, the Image Preview displays recommended optimization and export
options for the current document. When selected directly from the File menu, the Image Preview displays the
current document export settings as defined in the optimize panel.
The preview area of the Image Preview displays the document or graphic exactly as it will be exported and estimates
file size and download time with the current export settings.