User Guide
Using the Property inspector or the Layers panel, you can give slices unique names. Fireworks uses the name you
specify to name the files that are generated from slicing upon export. If you don’t enter a slice name in the Property
inspector or the Layers panel, Fireworks automatically names slices for you upon export. You can change the auto-
naming convention that Fireworks uses through the HTML Setup dialog box.
Fireworks exports a sliced Fireworks document as an HTML file and a series of graphic files. You can define
properties for the exported HTML file using the HTML Setup dialog box.
Assigning URLs
A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address of a specific page or file on the Internet. When you assign a
URL to a slice, users can navigate to that address by clicking the area defined by the slice in their web browser.
If your file contains a number of pages that you will be exporting, you open the Link pop-up menu and select one
of the pages for the URL. After the pages are exported, this link will automatically take the user to the specified page.
To assign a URL to a selected slice:
❖ Enter a URL in the Link text box of the Property inspector.
If you intend to reuse URLs, you can create a URL library in the URL panel and then store URLs in the URL
library. For more information, see “Working with URLs” on page 196.
Entering alternate text
Alternate, or alt, text appears on the image placeholder while the image is downloading from the web; it also substi-
tutes for graphics that fail to download. In some newer versions of browsers, the text also appears next to the pointer
as a tool tip.
Entering brief, meaningful alternate text has become increasingly important in web design. A growing number of
visually impaired people are using screen-reading applications, which read alternate text in a computer-generated
voice as the pointer passes over graphics on a web page.
To specify alt text for a selected slice or hotspot:
❖ In the Property inspector, type the text in the Alt Text box.
Assigning a target
A target is an alternate web page frame or web browser window in which the linked document opens. You can
specify a target for a selected slice in the Property inspector. If the Property inspector is minimized, click the
expander arrow to see all properties.
To specify a target for a selected slice or hotspot in the Property inspector:
❖ Type the name of the HTML frame in the Target text box or select a reserved target from the Target pop-up menu:
_blank loads the linked documents in a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the linked document in the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link. If the
frame containing the link is not nested, then the linked document loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked document in the same frame or window as the link. This target is implied, so you usually need
not specify it.
_top loads the linked document in the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.